Single Tenant Property Portfolios
Single Tenant Property Portfolios for sale Nationwide

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Single Tenant Property Portfolios

The following lists of single tenant portfolio properties shown does not reflect our entire
inventory of
Single Tenant Property Portfolios properties we receive daily, particularly, the latest and
freshest arrivals. In order to take full
advantage of our entire list of available Single Tenant Property Portfolios properties as of
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Confidential Offering of a Fleming Supermarket Portfolio of 6 properties.
Solid 15-year bond net leases
Priced at 8.75% CAP
Price: $31,400,000
Increases in Rent: 4.4% increase in day 1 of year 11
Options: Five 5-year options with with a 7.5% increase in each option period
Remarks: Huge bonus... Rents are well below the current market rental rates.
Rents are currently at $6.75 per square foot where market rates are between $8.50 and
$9.00 per square foot. Also available is a great debt quote for at least one of the stores:
LTV @ 78%, 30-year amortization. Interest rate in the range of 215 to 225 over the 10
year treasury. Chances are good that the lender will quote the same for all 6 stores.
TENANT Fleming Companies, Inc. operates 240 company-owned stores under several retail banners,
which include Food 4 Less, Baker's, Rainbow Foods, Sentry Foods, and ABCO Foods. Fleming
(NYSE:FLM) is an industry leader in distribution and food retailing. Currently, the company's
36,000 associates serve over 3,000 supermarkets in 41 states. Fleming Companies, Inc. is ranked
#117 in Fortune's Top 500 Companies and #8 by Industry. As of April 30, 2000, the Company had a
net worth of $535 million.
Eckerd Drug store Portfolio.
15 stores, all southern locations.
Absolute NNN.
All newly constructed.
Partnership available to create double-digit returns to investor.
Signle Tenant Portfolio of Eckerd Drug Storest.
OPENED 12/22/1999
ANNUAL RENT $369,289
PRICE $3,992,314
COMMENTS Drug Store Sales in PTA are 13% higher than National Average
OPENED 09/08/2000
ANNUAL RENT $257,878
PRICE $2,787,866
COMMENTS 26% of Population is over 60; 10% higher than National Average
OPENED 08/08/2000
ANNUAL RENT $247,305
PRICE $2,673,568
COMMENTS 20% of Population is over 60; 4% higher than Charlotte Average
OPENED 10/06/1999
ANNUAL RENT $221,970
PRICE $2,399,676
COMMENTS 5-Year Projected Population Growth Rate in PTA of 8.3%
OPENED 02/24/2000
ANNUAL RENT $224,620
PRICE $2,428,324
COMMENTS 22% of Population is over 60; 6% higher than National Average
OPENED 05/02/2000
ANNUAL RENT $334,620
PRICE $3,617,514
COMMENTS 2-Mile Population of 44,732
OPENED 11/17/2000
ANNUAL RENT $185,833
PRICE $1,858,330
COMMENTS (1) Corner of "Main and Main", (2) Ground Lease
Signle Tenant Portfolio of 30 7-Eleven stores. Located
in various states.
Well located, new stores on 16-year NNN leases. Priced to sell. The stores can
be purchased all cash or with traditional real estate loans that will be
arranged by the seller. Asking 8.75% CAP. Seller may consider a better price for the right buyer.
7-Eleven, Inc. is the largest convenience store chain in the United
States, with approximately 5,600 stores in the U.S. and Canada.
They are traded on the Nasdaq Exchange under "SVEV", and for the
year ended December-98, they had sales of $7.25 billion. 7-Eleven
has an issuer credit rating by S&P of BBB-.
Signle Tenant Portfolio of Eckerd Drug Stores with new 20 year NNN leases.
Total package is approx. $73 Million and offered at a firm 8.75% CAP
Signle Tenant Portfolio of Portfolio 38 7-Eleven stores.
10% INCREASE AFTER YR. 10. 16-year bond net leases - the result of
successful negotiations resulting in a much better term than the
normal 14 year 11 month lease term typically seen in other 7-Eleven deals.
Can be sold individually but owner prefers a package sale.
CAP rates for each location is either at 8.50% or 8.75%.
Total NOI: $8,338,691.
Total Package Price: $96,380,000.
All stores have great locations.
16-year NNN lease term.
10% increase after year 10.
Tenant has Six (6) 5-year options.
Rental rates will increase by 10% for each option period.
Absolute net lease. Landlord has no responsibilities under lease.
Signle Tenant Portfolio of Advance Autos. 3 Advance Auto's currently under development in the
They are all in one state and all 10-year double net leases with two 5-year options.
1. Rent: $89,499.96
Price: $960,000 (9.32%)
Projected Opening: 1/19/01
2. Rent: $89,376.00
Price: $960,000 (9.31%)
Projected Opening: 5/1/01
3. Rent: $89,820.00
Price: $965,000 (9.31%)
Projected Opening: 5/1/01
Portfolio of 9 Hollywood Videos, $11,813,264
Portfolio of 20 Mostly
Casual Dining Restaurants, $39,200,000
Portfolio of 6 Circuit City Stores , Absolute Bone Net Leased,
$40 Million, can be delivered with Zero Cash Flow or for sale

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Single Tenant Property Portfolios
The Single Tenant Property Portfolios contained herein have been obtained from Single
Tenant Portfolio sources believed to be reliable. While we
do not doubt the accuracy of these Single Tenant Property Portfolios, we have not verified it and
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